Oliver Hull
Random Cube
April 16 - May 6, 2023
Photo: Dan McCabe
Random Cube

Random Cube
Condensation Cube by Hans Haacke (1963) replica, Personal Computer (ASUS z87-c,Cool Master CPU fan, Intel i5, Corsair Fan x2, Silverstone 600w power source, 120gb Samsung SSD, Philips Monitor 172B9TN), webcam, hardware extruded aluminium t-slot, perspex.
15x30x30 cm
Python technical support Alex Tate.

Random Cube converts a replica of the Condensation Cube by Hans Haacke into a
hardware random number generator, generating true random numbers from the complex
variations of condensation on the surface of the plexiglass cube. The computer has then been
manipulated to move the mouse, click, press keys, and scroll based on the output random
numbers. This is similar to a mouse jiggler, which helps deceive your work's monitoring
software when you're AFK. However, unlike a mouse jiggler, the actions it produces are truly
random, in a cosmic sense. The many influencing factors on the condensation patterns make
them extremely complex and unpredictable with current technology. This chaos is unleashed
on my personal computer - we just watch what it does, honed in by the platforms which
control Web 2.0 and the black box of my PC.
- Oliver Hull